Here is a quick one of Jack hangin on the floor today and eating from a bag of cheerie ohs. We have a lot of nick names for Jack: Jackie, Jackall, Jackilous, Jackson, Bubby, Bubba, Bubbers etc...Riley, on the other hand, she's just Riley.
For the out of towners, we got about an inch of snow today.
It has been a while since I posted a video, so I just captured them for a few minutes. Nothing very unique about this one. But it shows what they have been up to lately. They are both doing great. Riley walks all over the place now. Jack can stand on his own now and takes a few steps here and there. Still waiting on some words, but I'm sure that will come soon enough.
Biggest issue lately is Riley's desire to beat up on Jack. We have to remove her from Jack multiple times each day for poking him or hitting him. He doesn't do much to fight back and it always sends him into a deep despair. Frown.
Though I haven't really captured it yet on video, Riley is walking now. Instead of crawling everywhere she is choosing to take steps. Her record is probably at about 5-6 steps. Her average is about 3-4.
Jack isn't that far behind. One of his favorite things to do is walk behind his walker. He is also trying to stand up on his own now without leaning on anything.
One thing I have noticed about them lately is that Jack is turning into a little boy and Riley is turning into a little girl. Instead of how they used to be, two gender neutral babies, they are now starting to show their preferences. Jack loves to wrestle. It is his favorite thing in life. Riley, on the other hand, likes her baby dolls. She doesn't appreciate being thrown around like her big brother.
So, I know it has been a while since I posted any photos/videos on this site, but unfortunately all I have at this time are a few semi-lame photos. Nothing has been going on lately. So here are a few photos just because. I hope to post some video tomorrow.
Baby news: There really isn't any. No news is good news.