It just dawned on me that tomorrow is June 1st, and June is the last month that these kids haven't lived in...yeah, hardly a big deal, I know. Riley continues her quest to walk. She pulls herself up at every opportunity. She likes to go one handed now and I have even seen her go no handed for a few brief moments before crashing to the ground. Anyways, here is a photo or two of Riley from today. Fenway tonight. 1st tube
We took the kids to the drive in tonight. Awesome. I love drive in movie theaters and it really sucks that they are so hard to find these days. Although Rachael was a bit skeptical, she left a true believer. Oh yeah, we saw Star Trek, and it was fairly cool. I have this odd recollection of seeing one of the Star Treks as a little kid at a drive in. So cyclical...
So this morning, around 6:00, I picked up Riley to give her a bottle. I lied her down on my lap, on top of the boppy, and she started eating. After about 5 minutes it started to smell a little poopy. I reached down to scoop her up and readjust her on the boppy. I will change her when I'm done, I thought to myself. To my surprise, when I reached down to readjust her I got a handful of baby poop on my hand. I lifted her up and it was all over the boppy, my boxers, and right leg. I threw the boppy into the corner, took off my soiled boxers, and we headed off to where I normally changed her. Of course all my supplies aren't there, and I walked all around the house, naked, looking for the wipes and diapers with a pooh covered wriggly baby. Finally the matter was resolved, and all was eventually well, but it has been a real shitty morning.
Rachael and I had the kids do a mini photo shoot today for their 10 month birthday. Although we took a ton of photos, they yielded a very small return. But here are a few we were able to capture.
Took the kids to Red Robin tonight. Though their booster seats were a little filthy, a good time was had by all. Unfortunately, Jack was the only photogenic one among us.
News? Hmmmm. Riley is getting tubes just like her brother Jack. I think she gets her tubes on June 16th. Jack finally passed his hearing test. I guess his tubes are working. Both Jack and Riley have little dagger teeth coming in up top. Riley is trying her best to stand up lately. Jack, as of today, rocked back into the crawl position for the first time. That's the news that I can think of off hand...oh yeah, Riley loves to pick her nose. And just in general, Riley is full of personality.
Hey, long time no post. I know. I know. Our camera ran out of batteries and we couldn't find the charger. long story. Kids are good. Riley is crawling everywhere at rapid speeds. Jack is sitting up well on his own, but still now crawling for him. We just discovered that Riley had fluid in her ears now. I wouldn't be surprised if she has to get tubes like fat man jack. We will see. Here are some photos from yesterday.