Everyday it is something new with these kids. Yesterday they were both dancing to their favorite tunes. They may have done this before, but I finally captured some of it on video. Riley's dance is really funny. She takes her hands and sways them side by side. Jack's dance is more subtle, but he is rocking just as hard.
Riley has not been shy about voicing her opinions lately. This morning I was feeding her and watching the end of 17 Again on the computer. I was feeding her a bottle at the time and had her facing towards the computer. At some point I changed her position so that she was facing away from the screen and Riley was quick to let me know it wasn't acceptable. She has a little squeal to put you in your place. And boy was I put in my place. Bossy little girl. Maybe she already has a crush on Zac Efron? Who knows...
Apparently this wasn't the only time she let out her little squeal today. Rachael had a similar experience with her involving the same scenario. This time she wanted to see the pictures on the computer screen.
My point, if there is one, is that today was the first day I really noticed Riley demand something not connected with a need for sleep, food, or other body related issue. She is a VERY headstrong little princess.
Riley did something cool this morning. We were all sitting in front of the computer. I had Riley in my lap, Rachael next to me with Jack in her lap. We were looking at photos on the computer. A photo of Jack appeared on the screen. Riley got really excited. We asked her, "who's that?" and she turned and pointed at Jack. Seems like a no big deal sort of thing, but it was really cool. I guess everything is a big deal when they do something for the first time.
I'm finally back home after a crazy past few weeks. Time to update the blog. I got a few good shots today sitting around the house. Kids are good. The biggest thrill I got from them lately was when Riley pointed to a duck on command. It's the little things I guess. Riley (Post Diaper Pail Invasion)(Kidding) A Boy and His Balloon
So, there haven't been any updates lately since I've been in the Pacific Northwest since Thursday. Word from Rachael is that both Jack and Riley have colds. Too bad because they were going to make their twins day debut this weekend. Oh well, next year.
Here is a photo from the Gorge last night. If you blow it up and look down by the stage you will see three security guards. Standing in front of the third security guard from the left you will see Jason, Doug, Anna, and myself. I have the maroon shirt, Jason has the orange shirt, Doug Navy, Anna Black.
Rachael and I brought the kids to training camp yesterday. Yes, it is that time of year again. The best time of year to be a Cleveland Browns fan. So much hope. Camp was kind of uneventful. We couldn't get real close to the action. It was still important for Jack and Riley to get inundated with the Browns.
Rachael, Jack, Riley (on our way)
Jack (happy to find out that we got rid of Romeo, the kid has an opinion about everything)
Kids with their "Jar-head" Dad
Riley wearing the proper colors
And, since I'm heading out of town this Thursday to see Phish, it is only fitting that I include the video below.