Rachael and I learned today that our friend Andy Shorter passed away last week. Apparently he suffered a brain aneurysm. I had a message on my voicmail from Neal dating back to October 1st, but didn't hear it until today. Definitely the most talented and original person I have ever met. We are totally bummed. You can check out his myspace page here. You can hear some of his music on his webpage.
I don't know how many of you who come to this site have ever met Andy, I'm guessing maybe only one or two, but for those of you who did know him, I'm sure you would agree that he was a really amazing person.
Jack and Riley both had good days. They both gained weight. Riley is still on track to come home soon.
I am very sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers to his famiy and friends.
My thoughts are always about you guys and look foward to seeing you guys soon and welcoming Riley home. Then we will give Jack his special welcome home as well.
Miss you guys....it's tough being a single mom....I need adult conversation!! :)
Talk soon..love you all.
So sorry to hear about Andy. I never met him, but heard a few great stories. We're thinking about you and his family.
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