Jack had a decent day today. Had some spells, but nothing major. Still on the nasal cannula. On the lowest pressure. He is back to the bullous feed which is good. On his first try he puked it all up through his nose. He kept it down on his subsequent attempts. Not much else to say about him. Riley continued bottle feeding today. We feed her each time by the bottle. She averages 15-20 an attempt. This sounds small, but the fact that she is doing it consistently and fairly well, is a major step forward for her. All she needs to do now is build up her stamina. All of this fits in with the whole neonatal mg diagnosis. It seems, that if this is for sure what it is, that it is just about out of her system. The other highlight of the day was dressing up the babies in new clothes. Although the clothes are a little big, it really helps us to see them in different clothes. It breaks up the monotony.
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