So, this may seem like an odd thought. I will give you that. But let me start by letting you all know that there are certain times that the NICU is not open to parents/general public. I believe there are about 3 times a day when it is closed to the public for 1 hour increments. They tell us it is for a "shift change," and for "security" purposes. Blah blah blah...Anyways, Rachael mentioned how one of the nurses is so great because she always takes out our babies and holds them when we are not around. This got me thinking. What if all the NICU nurses were just like Payton in that movie Hand that Rocks the Cradle. I began to zone out while imagining a sea of nurses storming into the NICU during every "shift change." Each nurse grabbing their favorite baby and secretly breastfeeding them in an effort to turn them against us. That's some strange secret society they have going.
Maybe this rings hollow with you. I'm willing to bet it does. I'm willing to bet you have no idea why I wrote this. The thought was very funny to me. Rachael even gave me a courtesy laugh. Whatever...I was good today and posted actual baby news. Consider this mindless filler.
Also, I realized that I have yet to post a video from my favorite band. Like most great things in this world, it comes from Ohio.
I think about that movie all the time. I totally get it. Love you guys! Give Jack and Riley a kiss from the Hogans!
It's so exciting to read how the babies are doing as they get stronger -- they are so beautiful! we look forward to meeting them!
I don't know about the Payton's in the NICU...or at least not someone that looks like Rebecca De Mornay...my co-worker whose twins spent some time there said their favorite nurse was named Sheila? (I can't remember)...but she said her hair was very thin on top and long on the sides...she may hold your kiddos too!
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