Riley had many firsts today. She saw sunlight for the first time. She breathed the outside air. She came off the third floor for the first time. She took her first car ride. She left Cleveland for the first time. She met her two cats for the first time. And she finally saw her home for the first time, 83 days following her birth. Right now she is sleeping beside me in her car seat and Rachael and I are absolutely puzzled as to how to take care of her. Quite a learning curve ahead for all of us. So far I think she is happy to be here.
Many photos will follow later today (during the Browns game) as well as Jack's portion of news from today. I will keep his post separate...
Until then, here is a song/video that Rachael and I think has the perfect chorus for today's events.
Silversun Pickups, Lazy Eye
YAY!!!!!! She's home! What a special day. I'm so happy for you guys.
Hell to the yah!!! I'm so excited. That is awesome you guys. I'm glad that she made it home... you'll be awesome!
Welcome home Riley!! Dont worry guys, you'll be just fine. I know its wierd you have a kid and then they hand then to you and off you go. Babies should come with instructions!! You have bben awesome already, you guys will be just fine, trust me. You guys can handle anything now!! Little Jack will be just fine too. I would say try not to worry, but Brogen will be going under sedation as well at the same time, strange huh, so I cant tell you not to worry for now I will be worring about two precious little boys. I would say it gets easier, but as you see from me, the worrying will never stop, and the concerns if you are doing everything right will never stop. Just believe in yourselves and trust your guts and everythig will be fine. And if you need anyhing, and I mean anything, or wantsome help I am always here for you guys, I mean that. Dont hesitate to call for help and think youre bothering me cause Im now a single mom, dont think that, I would grab my kids and be there fo you in a heartbeat, I hope you know that. I cant wait to see Riley at home!! Love you all!!
My typing sucks!! Sorry about that! :)
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