Friday, October 24, 2008

A New World Record!

Today was an exciting day for Jack. Jack smashed his feeding record and took 60 cc for me today. My only regret is that I wasn't able to get him to take the whole damn bottle. We were close, only coming up 15 cc short. This is a big step for Jack who is recently proving himself as a contender for non-nicu life one day. Good job buddy. Maybe you won't be little G-Man after all...

In other news, Riley went to the dermatologist today for her ear. The doctor decided to do some laser surgery on her and zapped her ear today. I guess the laser surgery will help reduce the hemotoma (or however it is spelled) that she has on her ear. I'm glad she is getting some treatment for her ear and hope that it will start to get back to normal sometime soon. We will see.

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