Monday, August 18, 2008

Just Because...

I didn't take any new photos today. Let's be honest, they all look the same anyways. No new orders for Riley. They reduced the pressure on Jack's nasal cannula. Now the nasal cannula has barely any pressure at all and it is room air anyways. Hopefully it is a sign that he will come off it entirely soon. Jack is going back onto the bolus feed, likely tomorrow. Right now he is on a slow feed that constantly puts food into his stomach at a very slow rate. This prevents him from spitting up like he does sometimes with the bolus feed. Also, it looks like we are going to start bottle feeding Jack, at least introducing it to him. He seems to swallow more than he used to, even though it is giving him troubles. At this point all of their troubles center around the swallowing. Once they can get that down they should be good to go. Hopefully the antibodies begin to clear out of their system. Both of them are definitely trying and know what to do, it is a matter of them having the coordination. Riley took 15 cc last night, and 10 this morning. But when Rachael and I fed her she only took about 2. They both have a long way to go, but like the doctor said, it will take time. Oh yeah, Jack's fingers have really improved. They are still far from perfect, but the joints have loosened up a lot. Jack didn't even ding once today while we were at the NICU. Not to say he won't again, but it is nice to have a break from it for a few hours. Tomorrow they will be four weeks old. On Saturday they will actually hit their due date. No end it site, but we are trying to stay cool about it all.

And for no purpose, two of my favorite songs from a band that still has never been topped.

The Rover

Since I've Been Loving You

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